Practical Tips About Selling Your Business

When it comes to selling your business, there are so many things to keep track of and so many voices telling you what to do that at times it can feel overwhelming, especially when you have a strong connection to your business. Sometimes, you just need to take a step back and rethink your strategy.

It doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, simple is often best. If you want to sell your business without overwhelming yourself and those around you, follow these practical tips about selling your business from me and my fellow YEC members.

Creating a Live Chat Your Customers Love!

Creating a live chat is a big bonus for any business, but only when done right. Otherwise, it can become a major source of frustration to you and your clients; you want a live chat that solves, not causes, problems.

If you do decide to have a live chat, however, there are a few things that can make it not only an effective problem solver, but also a powerful marketing tool. If you’d like to know how to make a live chat that both you and your customers love, click the button below.

Selling Your Business? Keep These Things in Mind.

It’s not easy to sell your business. After all the years and passion you’ve put into it, it’s almost become a part of you. Parting with it can be one of the most difficult decisions you’ll ever make.

If you do decide to part with your business, however, you want do it the right way, at the right time. The last thing you want to have happen is for someone to take your business and end up having to shut it down because it wasn’t ready to be sold, or worse yet, someone take your business in a direction you never wanted or desired it to go.

For these reasons, you need to be very careful about how you’re selling your business. Not only do you have to find the right buyer, but your business must be ready for that buyer. To help you determine what you need to consider when selling your business, seventeen business owners and I from the YEC have put together a list that tells you exactly what you need to do before selling your business.

How To Find the Best Candidates (And Keep Them!)

The best employees are looking for the best opportunities. If you want to attract the best employees, you need to make sure your company has the best work environment in the market. Not only that, but in every minute detail you must be better than the competition, or you risk losing candidates.

It’s not easy; in fact, you may find yourself wondering if it’s worth it, but if you persevere you will realize that it is having the best employees in the market will give you an edge that no one else will be able to match.

So what is it that the best candidates are looking for? What is it that will ensure that candidates will come looking for you and not the competition? Well, here are 15 Incentives (given by experts such as myself) That Will Bring Top Candidates to Your Pipeline.

Your Employee Just Asked You For a Raise. Should You Give Them One?

Giving a raise isn’t something that you do offhand. Even when one of your employees asks you for one, which in and of itself requires considerable courage, there are still many things you need to take into account.

How long has this employee been in your company? How much is this employee worth to your company? What is the potential of this employee and are they willing to reach it? Do they share your vision for the company?

These are but a few of the questions you need to answer before you decide whether or not to give a raise.  In the article below, experts such as myself have determined the most important factors to consider when giving an employee a raise.


Building a Powerful Network

Over the years, you meet people that you realize share the same values, tastes, and preferences that you do. You keep in touch, run into them every once in a while, and then, one day, you become friends. That’s the best kind of networking. It doesn’t always work like that, though. Sometimes, you need to be intentional about whom you meet and how you meet them. You might be surprised (in a good way) at what you’ll find. If you’re just starting to build your network, here are some ideas that you might find helpful. Here are eight ways to build your network from nothing.

The Do’s and Dont’s of Content Marketing

Content marketing. You’ve probably heard of it. It’s simply the creation of valuable content in order to attract a target audience. Easy, right? Sometimes, though, we can get caught in a rut and do things for the sake of doing things. This can result in wasted time and effort; time and effort you could be spending elsewhere.

So how do you ensure that your content is valuable and relevant and does what it’s supposed to do, that is, attract customers? Simple… you ask the experts.

Here are fourteen mistakes you might be making in your content marketing and what you can do to fix them, compiled by my peers and I to help you make the most of your business.

Switching It Up: Tweaking Your Personal Brand

Personal branding cannot be underestimated. It can be as an important part of your business as any other; the proper dedication to it can yield surprising results. However, sometimes you just want to take your personal brand in a new direction, or maybe you just want to add on to what you already have.

Whatever the case, it can still be a challenge to implement the changes without losing part of your audience. By testing your changes, however, you can make sure that you will maximize the benefits you are looking for in switching up your personal brand while simultaneously keeping your losses to a minimum.

Here is the advice of sixteen experts, myself included, on how to best test your new personal brand.

One Word: Rebranding

Here we go. You’ve been dithering about it for months, one moment absolutely convinced that it’s what your company needs and the next wondering if you’ve lost you mind. Finally you make up your mind… it’s time to rebrand.

Rebranding is no easy task. It can take up to months to implement and often ends up involving your entire company, but you’ve decided that it’s the right choice. With that in mind, you begin to wonder how you can pull it off without wrecking your company. After all, you don’t want to lose the customers you do have.

The best way to figure that out is to ask the experts. Having said that, here is the advice of fifteen experts on what to keep in mind when rebranding your business.

I’m an Introvert. Can I Still Be a Leader?

Usually, when we think of a business owner we think of an extrovert. Loud, outgoing, boisterous… but not all business leaders are created equal. A surprising number of business owners are actually introverts. They are somewhat quieter and more meditative that what your stereotypical business owner might be, and that can actually be an advantage.

Not only are introverts good leaders, but they are actually better than extroverts when it comes to certain aspects of running a business. Here are seven ways introverts are good, and can become better, business owners.