Avoid Pinterest Marketing Frustration with These 11 Tips


As a virtual pinboard, Pinterest offers the ability to upload, share, and “pin” images to your bulletin boards, also known as pinboards. From the very first day of using the site, users have found an immediate obsession to the site due the various uses and images they are able to save. There are benefits to Pinterest for both general users looking for some inspiration, as well as business owners who want to further their influence.

On Pinterest 

Plan Ahead 


When you first open your account you probably have a lot of ideas, but take your time. You want to hold some things back and time your pins to go out on a regular basis. You don’t want to overwhelm your followers. But, you want to keep putting things in front of your audience too. Therefore, take the time to plan out how you are going to infiltrate the Pinterest community with your creative and informative boards and pins.

If you have it planned out before you start, it will be easier to stick to a plan of action. Slow and steady wins the race. You don’t want to just pin in bursts of energy every month or two, you want to do a little every single day. Plus, you want what you do to be highly focused and relevant to your audience. That will take some work. 


Be Relevant 


There is no point putting up boring pins that no one cares about. Make sure that every board you create, and every pin you add to a board has a purpose and is interesting to your audience. If you keep your audience in mind with every creation you make, you’ll become very influential among your audience.

While you’re being interesting it’s also important to be informed about your niche. If you don’t understand your niche well enough, it will be hard for you to go from zero to influential on Pinterest. Take the time to learn your subject matter, check the veracity of information before you share, and don’t be afraid to disagree with popular people based on that research. If you’re informed and interesting, you’re bound to become influential too. 


Make Your Boards to Stand Out 


Most people follow certain boards over following an entire profile, so if you heavily promote each board that you create you’ll get more followers. When one board starts showing more promise than the others, promote it even more. As you get more followers for a specific board, you’ll have an opportunity to get them to follow your entire profile.

As a board gets more popular it’s kind of like a snow ball rolling down hill. The momentum gets faster, and the ball gets heavier so it collects more snow and grows faster. Your boards are like that. If one is getting a lot of attention, share and promote it even more than you did before. Plus, add to it more than you do the other less popular boards. Any board that is getting a lot of attention, if you’ve defined the subject of the board well, will give you more ideas for creating even more popular boards.


Choose The Right Influencers 


You want to ensure that the people you follow also have access to the same audience that you are trying to attract. You can get a lot of insight into your audience by following others who share your audience. You might not want to follow direct competitors, but you might decide that you can differentiate yourself enough that it doesn’t matter. A lot of competitors collaborate on Pinterest with group boards, and it works out lovely for them.

To start with, you can simply follow people, and invite people who already follow you on other social media accounts. You can also announce your new Pinterest account to your blog readers and invite them to follow you right away, and you follow them back. You have to get started someplace, but you don’t want to follow a traditional bakery if your audience can’t eat wheat. Be thoughtful with all interactions.


Choose Smart Interactions 


Speaking of being thoughtful with all interactions, remember to really think about your comments before you hit enter. We all love it when people comment on our work, but it can get lame and old to see so many “great jobs”, “beautiful” and other “ata-boys (or girls)”. It’s so much better to give each comment a lot of thought. Say something that really matters. People will appreciate your intelligence and start seeking you out for information.

Creating effective comments that draw attention to you without being obnoxious takes some practice. Try this method: Complement, critique or add to, and back it up. So if someone posts something about Sugar Free Bran Muffins, you might say something like: “Those look delicious, I’m going to try them, but I think I’m going to add pureed dates and Stevia in place of the NutraSweet.” For a nice touch you could tag someone who will find that interesting who is an influential person in that niche.


Call Out Others


As mentioned above, it’s nice to tag others who are relevant in the niche when you make a comment. It’s a great way to get more attention to a comment. When you comment, call out others by name because when you mention people on Pinterest you’ll attract their attention and they may follow you. When you tag others using the “@” symbol your comments stand out, get attention, and attracts more followers.

You can do this in comments and on your own boards and pins. You can do it in the pin description or on the comment area. They even offer a drop down of friends when you start typing. This is a great way to get more interest and “name drop”. You can also use #hashtags on Pinterest. By mentioning popular people, words, events, places, and names you’ll attract more followers.


Share Others Content, Too 


Sharing your own boards, pins, and others’ relevant pins is a great way to get attention. Don’t be ridiculous and share everything, but do share anything that your audience would have interest along with a smart comment. By sharing regularly what other people are doing as well as what you are creating, you’ll get known in the Pinterest community for someone who can be trusted for good information.

Do be picky about what you share though. You don’t want to go off your target and attract the wrong audience. Always keep in mind the question of whether or not what you’re about to share has any relevant or interest to the audience you want to influence. If not, don’t share it. If so, share and comment freely. 


Shine as a Guest Pinner 


When you are invited to a group or collaborative board that is relevant to your niche, try to contribute something meaningful to it as soon as possible. By contributing regularly to other boards you’ll up your influence quotient exponentially. Be very particular about what you contribute so that it fits their audience and yours. Think of it kind of like guest blog posting. You want to attract your audience, but you need to fit in with their style.

Create your own collaborative boards and invite influential people who follow you to contribute. Only invite people you trust to collaborate on a board with you. You don’t want someone who is going to post overtly advertorial content or inappropriate content. You can set up guidelines for pinning, and you can also create an open board where people can request to pin to it. All of the above are great ideas.  


Outside Pinterest 

Add Pin it Buttons On Your Website and Blog 


This is a no-brainer when it comes to getting more followers on Pinterest. The easier you make it for people to pin your stuff, the easier it is for people to follow you. It’s easy to do too. You simply use a plugin for WordPress or grab the code from Pinterest to create pins and widgets to add to your website.

Don’t just put the “pin it” buttons and follow widgets in one spot on your website or blog. Put them in multiple prominent places so that your visitors will have no reason not to pin it. In fact, ask your audience to pin your blog posts and information within as your call to action. People will do it if you ask them to.


Add the Profile Widget to Your Website 


Most people like to just follow boards and pins, but adding the profile widget to your website gives people the option to follow everything you do. They may click on it to see what else you have to offer if you’ve done a good job with your blog post and website to attract them to it. You can add these buttons and widgets to all of your online real-estate for best results.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a product, a service, or an infographic, adding the buttons and widgets will encourage more sharing and more following. You want to make it as simple as possible for your audience to find you and engage with you in the manner they want to. The follow widget gets people to look at your Pinterest page rather than just one of your boards. 


Connect Your Social Media and Cross Promote with Ease


You can connect other social media accounts directly to Pinterest, which is a great way to attract your followers from those social media sites. There are a lot of ways to do this with plugins and social media management apps. 

By connecting everything together you can cross promote with ease. However, this can become tiring to those followers who follow you everywhere. So, don’t forget to also do some promoting specific to each social media network. You don’t want the exact same thing on all of them or you’re missing the point.

How to Join the Best LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn group

The one place you can find everyone – recruiters, influencers, potential networking connections and prospective clients – is within LinkedIn Groups.  Known for their strong focus, Groups provide a unique way for you to become visible, known and trusted – without members even being connections.

You can:

  • Give and get feedback
  • Ask questions
  • Answer questions
  • Present offers
  • Share resources
  • Invite people to share your content and visit your site

And best of all – monitor the response you get to all of the above.

You can also share links freely with Groups – but don’t use this as an excuse to spam.  Always make sure that any links you share are highly relevant, timely and interesting, with a clear purpose for sharing.

LinkedIn has done away with the ability to create polls for Groups, but you can now perform some actions that weren’t approved before:  Namely…

  • Post job discussions and promotions
  • Flag or delete posts according to Discussion Types

(If in doubt as to what you can and can’t do, check out Changes to Groups Format in the Help section.)

Used regularly, consistently and wisely – with a clear goal in mind – LinkedIn’s Groups feature remains one of the best arenas in which to conduct business research.

When you join the right Group, you can use it to check out:


  • Areas of the common Group interest that its members are having trouble with
  • Gaps in available resources and products
  • Resources or products currently available
  • Complaints about competitors, or existing products or services
  • Complaints about lack of products or services currently available
  • Brainstorming sessions and ideas
  • Community culture
  • Industry or niche influencers
  • Competitors

So how do you know which Groups to join?

Get into the habit of scrolling down LinkedIn’s right-hand, vertical sidebar.  That’s where you’ll find suggestions tailored to your Profile – including “Groups You May Like”.

social media 2

In addition…

1.     Make a commitment to spend time daily monitoring or interacting with your Group or Groups.

2.     Decide how many Groups to join.

3.     Find Groups that are active, with ongoing discussions and dialogues.

4.     Avoid Groups that are too big (over 1,000 members) or too small.

Taking these simple steps ensures you’ll create maximum visibility and interaction – which in turn will impact your searchability when others research you.  Successful Group participation also creates trust and shows you without any need for third-party apps or stats who to follow – and learn from.

How to Find Work Opportunities on LinkedIn

It’s true that LinkedIn is a powerful virtual job fair, for those seeking steady, traditional employment. It’s also a great place to pick up freelance contracts and new clients for your online business. You can search the “Jobs” section, which will be optimized for your Profile. Nicole Munoz LinkedIn You can also see what your competitors are offering – and what potential clients really want from your type of business or your skill sets. But it doesn’t matter what type of employment you are seeking – traditional steady or part time, contract or online freelance – you need to reverse-engineer the business research company recruiters will use. This fraternity usually doesn’t have a background in marketing.  When they search LinkedIn, recruiters (freelance and company-employed) most often use simple keywords based on criteria you might find in a job ad:
  • Specific skills or skill sets
  • Degrees or certification
  • Licenses (e.g. “plumbing license”)
  • Industry jargon and terminology (try to stick to straight terminology, if in doubt)
Go through relevant job ads – and your own resume – and make sure that you highlight key words and phrases regarding these terms, skills, accreditation and terminology. Recruiters set great store by industry influencers, so find out which ones they follow – and follow them too.  (Or just find influencers yourself and follow them.)  

How Do You Find Recruiters?

find-job It helps to study a variety of recruiters – just the way writers study agents and publishers – to see what type of other, key search words they might be using.  Avid Careerist, Donna Svei supplies tips and keywords in one of her recent July 2013 posts.  In fact, virtual assistants who write resumes and CVs are also good to follow for tips – and good to connect with on LinkedIn.


Hunters study the habits of their prey.  While your intentions are not in the least predatory, LinkedIn is one social network where the habit of study and research is far more important than other, more social and personal platforms – especially for job hunters.

How to Dig Deep into LinkedIn Search Engine


LinkedIn is much more than just adding new business partners or ex-work colleagues to your connections list.  You can use LinkedIn’s Advanced Search function to set up specific criteria – both to include and exclude search elements.

Here’s how you do it…

1.     Open up LinkedIn Advanced Search.


2.     Enter your keywords, separated by qualifiers such as “AND” and “OR”.


 3.     Choose from your connections at various levels – or from groups.


 4.     Scroll down and expand other fields that might be relevant in your search.


 5.     Add a location, if that is relevant.


 6.     Press “Search” when you have set up all your parameters.


Some of these fields won’t be available to you if you have a free account.  Scroll down the left-hand, vertical menu until you see “Search like a Pro” and click “learn more”.  A pop-up window will show you various filtering options upgrading will open.


You will see results in real-time; and if you have checked off connections of any sort, you will see Profile slugs, photos and summaries.

But note that you can also use LinkedIn’s simple search bar – which has recently been enhanced.  (And you can Save searches.)


What’s Replacing the LinkedIn Signal Tool?

Some of you may have already tried LinkedIn Signal, a filtering tool that allowed great opportunities for research in your news stream.

With Signal, you were able to use the filters to organize or isolate the following:

  • Keywords
  • Niche or Industry
  • Specific companies
  • Hashtags
  • Topics
  • Types of update (Profile, Group, sharing)
  • Location
  • Institution

And several more.

Yet LinkedIn dropped Signal at the end of July, to the protests of many.  Why?

Well, it seems they think their new, increased Search functionality makes Signal redundant.  You can specify, filter and search for companies, groups, people, hashtags and more from LinkedIn’s own basic search bar.


How to Connect with the Right People on LinkedIn


LinkedIn is a fertile ground for those wanting to research almost any business niche or industry.  Even with all its adjustments and changes over the last several years, LinkedIn still remains the most business-oriented social network, with a strong slant towards jobs and careers – as well as on networking, in the truest, most traditional sense of the word.

LinkedIn doesn’t allow you to “Friend” everybody like Facebook does.  In fact, indiscriminate contacting is considered a major LinkedIn faux pas.  This social network operates with contacts restricted to first, second and third level contacts… and also Group contacts.

Without diligent networking, it can take a long while to build up a solid contact base – but do avoid the typical beginner mistakes, which are:

  • Adding everyone in your email accounts, past workplaces and educational institutions.  Stick to those people who share or influence your interests, goals and industry only
  • Recommending everyone they can – whether or not they’ve ever worked with them before
  • Joining too many Groups; then not bothering to monitor or interact
  • Joining Groups that are inactive

Finding the right people on LinkedIn is a vitally important foundation to lay – so choose or accept contacts carefully and with an overall goal in mind.  After all, you want to be able to monitor your business branding feedback and interaction – as well as research others.

Who should you connect with on LinkedIn?  The network will offer to search your friends via email accounts, previous and current workplaces, professional organizations and educational institutions first.

Only connect with those who:

  • Are in related or similar careers
  • Possess similar interests
  • You are currently networking with in other areas of your life
  • Possess skill sets you can learn from
  • Are consistently active on LinkedIn

If you find someone you’d like to connect with, but you don’t know them:

a)     Follow them, if you can

b)     Look for someone you already know to introduce you (but make sure you have an excellent reason to want to be introduced)

c)     Look for Groups they are active in.  Join this Group (providing it is actually a good fit for you and your goals) and make sure you are consistently active there too.

You can invite people to become first level contacts by accessing the See who you already know on LinkedIn page.

Pinning for Fun? Why Not Becoming a Pinterest Expert

Pinterest Best Practices for Beginners and Not Only

Pinterest is providing amazing results for small business owners who have jumped on the bandwagon. If you want to use Pinterest to gain influence then you need to be strategic in your actions. As you get started with Pinterest understand what you’re doing and do it with purpose. Pinterest can drive traffic to your website, products, services and more, but you need to go about it the right way.  

#1. Know Your Audience 

audienceIt’s not enough to simply know how to use Pinterest. You also need to learn how to conduct market research. It’s an imperative, if you want to understand your audience. If you don’t know who you want to influence, it’s hard to know how to proceed. Take the time to research your market so that you know who they are, what they like, and what they like to do on Pinterest. Your market is the group of people who are interested in the products or services that you want to promote. The products and services that you want to promote should be solutions to your niche market. If you can provide solutions to a group of people that really work you are bound to become influential.  

#2. Set Realistic and Specific Goals

set-goalsBefore you get started with creating even your first board, it’s important to understand what you hope to accomplish with the board. Do you want to get more followers, get more traffic, cause some other action? Know what it is so that you can create relevant boards. Once you know what your goal is, write it down in a very specific way. Remember that a goal should be possible and specific. Your goal in this case is to become an authority, or influential person to your niche using Pinterest as the catalyst. Write down what you are going to do on Pinterest to achieve those goals. How many boards are you going to create per week or month? What will the topics of the boards be? How will you create the boards? Will you hire someone, or will you do it yourself? What data will you use to create the boards? Be specific, and you will succeed.   

#3. Define Your Boards by Subject, Topic or Category 

boardsEach board should have its own topic or subject. That’s how you keep them organized and relevant to different segments of your audience. Every board should be relevant to your overall audience. Just like you have different categories on your blog, or pages on your website, so you should also have different boards on Pinterest. Start with four or five different boards covering the different categories that you have determined are important to your audience. Most people will not follow every board. They will choose a specific board to follow. Once you create a board, ensure that you keep it updated on a regular basis. Starting with more than four or five boards will be too much work because you want to keep boards updated so choose your categories and topics carefully.  

#4. Be Visually Creative with Your Boards 

creativeDepending on what type of business you have it can sometimes be hard to come up with creative ideas. In order to be super creative use mind maps and other brainstorming ideas to come up with ways to present your information graphically. The more original pins you can create the better. If your pins are created by you then it will show as you being the originator so when it’s shared people have the opportunity to find you. Your creativity will really matter when it comes to creating boards. Pinterest, as you know, is a very visual medium. You’ll have to think outside the box to create images that represent the message you want to send to your audience. If you want people to pin your blog posts, ensure that you’ve added a creative visual element to encourage pinning.  

#5. Engage and Be Engaging with Your Followers 

social_mediaPinterest is social media, and the idea of social media is to be, guess what? Social. Therefore, interaction is key getting people to re-pin your Pinterest content and to follow you. When you think about social media realize that it’s a conversation you’re having with your audience on a regular basis. You wouldn’t just ignore comments made to your face, don’t ignore them made on Pinterest. Don’t just communicate on your own boards either. Engage with others on their boards, and mention people by name when relevant. It’s a great way to keep the conversation going, and bring other people in. Sharing, commenting, and being social is what social media is all about so ensure that you are engaging, in more ways than one.  

#6. To Be Super Influential Seek To Be The Hub 

google-hangoutBeing seen as information nucleus of information that’s interesting to your audience should be one of your goals when seeking to influence others. To succeed, you need to study what they need to know and want to know. That may mean creating new boards, but it might also mean curating other boards of interest for your audience. You can not only curate other people’s information, but your own too. People are very visual and this lets you curate the information in a beautiful way. If you are super organized, and only allow the best quality information to be on your boards, you are creating an image for yourself too. The image of an someone who can influence others.  

#7. Give Credit Where Credit is Due 

When you use an image or idea from someone else, always be kind and credit the information. If they have a “pin it” button on their site you can assume they want you to pin it, but it’s nice to give credit where credit is due. When Pinterest started there was a lot of buzz about plagiarism and copyright infringement. You can avoid any problems with this by following a few simple rules. Only re-pin other people’s stuff, don’t down load it to your computer, then upload it back as an original board or pin. Try taking your own pictures, or using only legal images in the boards and pins that you create. Be sure to credit properly all images that you use. Don’t separate an image from the creator without express permission to do so. Even when given permission it’s a good idea to credit the source. (Note: Watermark your own creations with your name and website information to avoid being copied.)  

#8. Nothing’s Done until the Numbers are Evaluated 

computerIt’s kind of like the saying that “Nothing is complete until the paperwork is done.” Well, paperwork always involves numbers. As such, nothing can be deemed successful (or a failure) without studying the metrics. Look at how many followers you get for different actions. How many people re-pin something you’ve pinned. Can you figure out why they re-pin one thing over another? How many people pin a blog post with no images compared to an infographic? How many click-throughs you receive and any other factor that can help you determine the effectiveness of your boards is an important metric to understand. Pinterest has its own analytics tools today that are quite good at giving you the information you need. That combined with Google Analytics and there isn’t much you can’t determine by looking at the numbers. If you want to be a real influencer and an authority in your niche, it’s important to know what is working and what is not working. Getting started with a goal in mind, and developing your Pinterest presence over time will reap many more benefits than going in without a clue as to the direction you want to go. Having goals and understanding your topic and your audience will go far in helping you pin your way to influence. One way to become more influential is to build your following.

How to Become an Influencer on Pinterest


Pinterest began as a beta site just a few short years ago as a way for others to share what they love and create virtual bulletin boards for all their favorite things. Now users are amazed with the potential of the site and can’t wait to share with their friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and acquaintances. As a smart person with information to share that will be of interest to your niche audience, you stand to benefit from the millions of members that visit the site each month.

In order to pin your way to influence keep these takeaways in mind:


Don’t Advertise

Be more than just a company advertising a business. Think beyond advertising to create interesting and entertaining infographics and visual elements to share with your audience that they will enjoy sharing too. Create information that will pull heart strings, entice a giggle, or make people think of the data you provide in a new way.


Be Social


Social media, is after all, supposed to be social. Become involved in Pinterest and with the users of Pinterest. Communicate with the other users and all the creators of amazing and awe-inspiring pinboards. Share other people’s pinboards, and make useful and smart comments. It will only enhance your experience and increase your influence.


Be Creative

Use the virtual pinboard site as a way to express your creative side both as a business owner and as a lover of beautiful things. Even if you’re an accountant, there are ways to express numerical data in new and visual ways that will make people take notice. Let your imagination flow.


Remember your Audience


When using Pinterest for marketing and advertising a product, service, website, blog, or build influence among a group — always keep the viewers and consumers in mind. Put yourself in their place every step of the way, and imagine what you would want to learn from your time on Pinterest. Remember to think in terms of solving problems and answering questions and your influence will grow.


Check Your Metrics


By knowing what works (and what doesn’t work) you’ll be better able to determine where to spend your time. If you check the numbers, you won’t be mistaken and waste your time on creating pinboards that no one pays attention to. Being aware of metrics will help you to increase your potential and become a true influential leader in your niche on Pinterest.

Using Google Plus Hangouts to Establish Expertise

google-hangoutOne way to maximize your business brand on Google + is to find a way to establish your expertise. A great way to do that is to use Google Hangouts On-Air. You can use Google + Hangout’s On Air service free to give excellent presentations. You don’t need any special software, and you can do them at the drop of the hat.

There are so many interesting features with Google+ Hangout On Air that it’s something you must try in order to establish your expertise and maximize your brand. Whether you have an online business or an offline business using the features offered such as screen sharing, slide sharing, video sharing and more will really take your business to the next level.

The system is not hard to use, it’s pretty much like most webinar tools, but with a few additional bells and whistles.

Host a Panel Discussion

You can ask some of your colleagues or JV partners to join with you in a Google + Hangout On Air session then broadcast it live as it’s happening, post it to your Google+ home page, and even your YouTube.com channel for watching again later.

Host a Private Round Table

Do you work with or coach others? If so you probably often need to have private discussions with them. You can interact on a face-to-face level using Google+ Hangouts without going on air. You can still record it and use it later.

Present a “How-to”

You can use Google+ Hangouts On Air to present a “how to” do something that is related to your niche. When you schedule an On Air presentation you can notify all your followers and ask them to tell theirs.

Build Customer Relationships

Host monthly Google Hangouts just for customers that allow them to ask and get questions answered live. This is a great way to educate your customers about the products or services they’ve already purchased and mention new ones that might solve other problems they have.

Host Product Demonstrations

You can have a Google + Hangout On Air to demonstrate products and services that you offer. Don’t be afraid of “giving away the farm” even when you show someone how to do something, often they’d rather someone else do it for them.

Repurpose & Reuse

When you host a hangout you can record it. You can then download it and edit it for use on a membership site, or as a free give away to encourage newsletter sign ups. You can also have it transcribed and use it in other ways such as an eReport, eBook or even as a Kindle Book.

Everything you do on Google + Hangouts should be in your business’s name and focused toward your personalized audience. Use the same marketing tactics to promote your Google + Hangouts as you would any event you plan to host. Tell everyone you know, ask them to tell everyone they know, and use all methods available to you to get the word out from your blog to other social media accounts.


If you’d like to know more about Google+, then don’t miss our free Webinar on November 7th, “How To Maximize Your Business Brand On Google+”.

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Tips for Using Google Plus for Your Business

Google Plus for Business
Maximizing your business brand on Google + involves staying focused on your target audience, business goals, and niche while engaging with others. To use Google + for your business it’s important to follow some best practices. First and foremost, remember that you’re promoting your business brand. Secondly, while you want to show your personality, remember that your focus should be on your business brand and what you bring to your market.

Complete Your Profile

Don’t leave up a half done profile for very long. It’s important to fill it out as completely as possible so that no one is confused about what your business offers. Upload pictures, link to videos, and other content. Claim your unique URL and figure out some relevant content to put in every area of your profile.

Get Verified

Don’t skip the verification process required for businesses on Google +. They will send you a PIN which is required for you to claim your business. It usually takes two weeks to receive the post card with the PIN on it. Look for it and verify right away so that you don’t forget this important step.

Share Unique Content

Once your account is set up, start uploading and linking to targeted unique content. You want to fill your account with some content before you start asking for and getting followers other than people that you already know. The content itself will help you get more followers as your friends share it, and they find it on search.

Engage With Others

Google + for business is also a social network, which requires you to be social. You want people to engage with your content by following you, sharing it, commenting on it, so it will help if you do the same with their content. If you want people to do something, ask them. Your call to action is just as important here as it is on other social media sites.

Segment Using Circles

Google + offers the ability to segment your followers with circles. Circles enable you to create different groups for different types of followers. Perhaps you have customers who have purchased from you; you can drag them into one circle so that you can share information about the product they bought.  Circles allow for many different types of market segmentation which will further help you maximize your branding efforts.

Use All That Google + Offers

Google + has so much to offer that it can become overwhelming. Once you’ve got the hang of putting up unique content, having discussions with others, filling your circles, and more, start branching out by trying out Google Hangouts and Google events and other offerings that Google rolls out. Using as much of this free service as possible will ensure that it will work for you as a branding tool.

Google + is a useful social media for expanding and maximizing your business brand. The more you use the tools provided the better you’ll get at implementing them and seeing the big picture. It can be overwhelming at first to try something new, but the more you use Google + the more you’ll realize the benefits.


If you’d like to know more about Google+, then don’t miss our free Webinar on November 7th, “How To Maximize Your Business Brand On Google+”.

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How to Maximize your Business Brand on Google Plus


Google + is so massive that it can be hard to figure out what to do first and how best to use Google Plus to maximize your business brand.  Thankfully there is a way to ensure that you’re using Google+ to its maximum benefit and it’s not hard to do at all.

Create Your Google + Page

Simply follow the prompts to create your Google + page, add your company name, images, and anything else you can to customize your page. Ensure that you focus the information you provide toward your target audience. Like with any marketing material focus on the benefits you provide the customer and answer the question they have which is, “What’s in it for me?”

Don’t forget to follow all the steps including verifying your page per Google’s instructions. Also, be sure if you to enable social extensions using Google Adwords enhanced campaigns. You also will want to also claim your custom URL. Having a custom URL will make it easier to share your information and look nicer too.

Add G + Badge to Your Website

It’s easy to create and add a Google + badge to you website. You can create one easily after you’ve completed your profile. It will enable people to follow you on G+.  You can create follow buttons, +1 buttons and more for your website right from the Google platform. Then, you simply copy and paste the code into your website where you want it. You can also use some WordPress plugins that make the process even simpler.

Post Exclusive & Smart Content

Once you have your account set up it’s important to use it to post exclusive content, as well as link to your website and blog content. Link to any blog post you write, any article you publish, and any press releases that you send out. People want to know what you’re up to and sharing those business related things on Google + is all about getting the word out about your business. Your content should be well-written, keyword rich, but full of the business persona that you want to promote.

Build Your Followers

Google+ is set up to help you get more followers. It’s easy to add content to. As you add more content, and promote your Google + page on your content throughout the web, you’ll begin to attract more followers. Don’ even bother promoting your Google + presence until you have completed your profile expertly, added appropriate badges and +1 buttons to your sites. You don’t want people to check you out and be bored by what they see. Don’t forget to make yourself available for direct connect.

Follow Strategically

When you choose to follow people on Google + strategically you can end up with more targeted followers yourself. Follow movers and shakers within your industry. Follow people who look like they might be your target audience. Follow people that you are already connected to on other social media. It’s likely that there will be some overlap and that’s okay, because likely your connections have brand-new connections via Google + that they don’t have elsewhere.

Interact with Others

Finally, don’t forget that like most social media, building your brand is about connecting and interacting with others. Don’t become a robot that just shares their own things. Comment strategically on what others share, share other people’s information when it is relevant to your audience, and engage people with thoughtful topics. If you share and participate as well as post a lot of exclusive content of your own you’ll increase your brand’s awareness exponentially.


If you’d like to know more about Google+, then don’t miss our free Webinar on November 7th, “How To Maximize Your Business Brand On Google+”.

How to Maximize Your Business Brand on Google+
