7 Benefits of Podcasting for Small Businesses



If you’re not familiar with the term “Podcasting,” it is the use of audio or video to broadcast a message.  Though experts disagree on where the term came from (some say it came from a combination of the Apple iPod and the term “broadcast,” while others say it comes from “Public on Demand” + “Cast”), the medium is growing exponentially as a tool businesses use to communicate with customers and potential customers.

Think of it as an audio blog or an audio e-newsletter.  Like both of those tools, podcasts are an excellent and cost effective way to reach your target market in a personal and informative way.  Additionally, podcasts can be distributed through RSS format, which is a subscription service that announces and delivers the podcast to your subscribers like a blog or a newsletter.

One of the reasons for the popularity of podcasts is that users, your customers and your target market, are able to easily access the information and listen to it on their computer, phone, tablet or just about anywhere.


How you benefit from podcasting or adding audio/video to your website:

online marketing

1. Podcasts increase your marketing reach and online visibility.  You will expand your target market because different people prefer different mediums. Some customers like to read company information, others prefer videos or live communication and still others like to download your information and listen to it when they have time.  Many podcast users listen to downloaded podcasts on their way to work or while they’re working out.


2. Podcasts can improve your sales and conversion rates.  Podcasts are yet another way to reach your customers, and the one-on-one communication provides the kind of personal touch that customers crave.  People are more likely to buy from someone that they feel they have communicated with directly, and podcasts enable you to do just that.

email marketing

3. Podcasts provide a consistent line of communication with subscribed listeners.  It has been proven that regular communication with your customers improves both your overall relationship with them and their buying frequency.  A regularly distributed podcast can strengthen your relationship with your buyers and help to build a community with your customers.


4. Podcasts provide beneficial and value added content, which increases customer loyalty.  Podcasts can offer a different kind of content to what you can provide with a blog or an e-newsletter.  This kind of content can be extremely beneficial to your customers.

customer loyalty

5. Podcasts allow you to distribute industry news and trends, which sets you apart from your competition and establishes you as a respected leader in your niche or industry.  One of the best ways to get repeat purchases and loyal customers is to become the “expert” in your industry.  Once your business is established as the place to go for quality information, services or products, your profits will grow.


6Podcasting, or adding audio or video to your website and email messages, enables customers and prospects to access information in a more personal way.  You can add video or audio testimonials, quick “how to” segments, and even a special promotional message.  Adding audio or video is a unique way to add a personal touch to your website.


7A podcast or an audio file can be used as a giveaway to build your opt-in list.  Consider recording either an interview with an industry expert or a seminar or workshop, and then offering the audio file as a free download.  In return, you get their email address for future mailings.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

Why Bother With Text When You Can Use Audio and Video?

content marketingWith all of the possibilities that audio and video have to offer, one might think that plain old text would be outdated.  But even though these things add a great deal to the Internet, there still is, and probably always will be, an important place for the written word.

The Internet was founded on text.  And while text is no longer the only thing you can find online, it is still what the Internet is based on.  It’s largely what the search engines use to determine whether a page is relevant for a given keyword, and it’s often what people want when they are seeking information that they can share easily.

Text is currently the only medium that allows for easy searching.  This is not only important to the search engines, but also for the average user.  This is starting to  change as technology advances, but currently you can’t type in a search term and skip to each instance of it on an online video or audio recording.  But if you’re on a web page and need to find a specific word or words, you can simply use your browser’s search function to go directly to it.

It’s also important to consider that there are people who use text-only browsers to access the Internet.  Those who are blind often use browsers that read the text on a page aloud, and if there is not sufficient text to describe what the page is about, they may seek information elsewhere.  In addition to this, there are users who do not have sound cards or speakers, rendering audio useless and video usable but silent.

There are many things online that need to be presented as text.  Doing them any other way just doesn’t make sense.  For example, you probably wouldn’t want to access your bank account information as an audio file.  And you might not benefit very much from your digital camera user guide being presented in video form, although videos showing specific picture taking and maintenance techniques might be helpful.

Text is still an important part of any web page.  Audio and video can great assets to your website, but in most cases they shouldn’t completely replace your text.  Text is still favored by many Internet users, and it gives the search engines more to go on when they index your site.


Text Can Be Portable, Too

laptopOnline audio and video are becoming easier and easier to take wherever you go.  They can be downloaded to watch later on your computer, or you can put them on portable audio and video players.  But text doesn’t have to be bound to the Internet or computer screen either.

When people find information that is valuable to them online, they often want to save a copy of it for later reference.  They can bookmark the web page, but subsequent changes may move or eliminate the information they want.  They can save the page in question to their hard drives, but few people do.  Making it easy for your site visitors to take your words with them is good for business.  Here are some ways to accomplish that:

  • Offer printer-friendly versions of popular pages.  Your site design may cause pages to print out poorly, especially if you use frames.  Making it easy for users to print pages that look like they should will allow them to easily archive information for future reference.
  • Consider putting certain information in PDF format.  This is the file format that is often used for ebooks and brochures, and it provides easy readability.  It prints out nicely if your users want a hard copy.  And there are now portable ebook readers on the market that allow one to save his ebooks and other PDF files and take them with him wherever he goes.
  • Provide options for mobile web users.  It is worthwhile for to set up mobile web pages and for, some businesses, text alert systems.  If your website offers up-to-date information such as news, weather, or account information, your users could benefit from mobile options.

The many recent innovations that utilize text indicate that it is still a medium that should not be ignored.  While it may not have the potential for personality of audio or be as visually stimulating as video, it is easy to transfer and doesn’t require any special software to use.


Audio and Video Should Complement Text, Not Replace It


One of the most important things to realize about audio and video is that at this point, they often don’t translate into money as quickly as text can.  Utilizing audio and video is more about making a name for yourself and building your brand than immediate monetary gratification.  It helps generate traffic to your website and boosts your business’s image.

Of course, there are exceptions. Popular videos participating in the ad revenue sharing program with YouTube can earn some decent money. YouTube is also always developing their technology for embedding links and other more interactive elements into videos.

In addition, you may find using video on a sales page increases your conversions and it can work as a very well in this regard.

But overall, text is so vitally important on any website.  Audio and video can enhance a website or sales letter, and they can go a long way toward convincing a visitor to become a customer or client.  But ultimately, it is usually text that seals the deal.  At the very least, text is the most effective way to instruct visitors on how to order or sign up.

Audio, video and text can work together to make your website nice to look at and listen to, as well as highly functional.  Each medium appeals to visitors in its own unique way.  Taking advantage of the multimedia opportunities available online can boost your site’s popularity while making it more useful.

How to Plan your Offer Funnel


#1 Identify your most expensive product or service. This is the tip/bottom of your funnel and what all of your activities, products, and services funnel into.

#2 Identify the price for this product or service. It should be a fair price that meets demand and solves a high level problem and provides a substantial value.

#3 Identify a tiered product/service offering that gradually increases from free to your previously identified most expensive item. Each item provides value and builds upon itself to offer increasing value and benefit.


#4 Create a system to brainstorm your free content, the largest portion and top of your funnel. This includes all of the content you normally publish to generate awareness and drive traffic. You can use the following tools:

  • List
  • Mindmap
  • Keyword research
  • Google Alerts
  • Consumer surveys
  • Previously published content
  • Competition
  • Trends
  • Social media 


#5 Create a schedule and content plan for your free content. The content marketing strategy includes:

  • Blog posts
  • Podcast(s)
  • Video(s)
  • Interview(s)
  • Viral Report(s)
  • Guest blogging
  • Article marketing
  • Social media posts 


#6 Create a freebie or free offer to introduce or pull people into the next tier of your funnel. The goal of this offer is to capture an email address.

  • Newsletter
  • eCourse
  • Report
  • eBook
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Tutorials
  • Webinars


#7 Create an introductory product or service that meets your target audience’s basic needs.

  • Ebook
  • Guide
  • Webinar
  • Group Coaching 

#8 Identify an introductory price for the product or service that your customers will be able to easily justify and part with.


#9 Create a mid-level product or service that meets your target audience’s basic needs.

  • Ebook
  • Webinar series
  • Home Learning Product
  • Individual Coaching 

#10 Identify a mid-level price for the product or service that your customers will be able to easily justify and part with.


#11 Establish a marketing strategy to connect with customers as they move through the funnel to upsell and help them take the next step.

Use this plan for your offer funnel checklist to guide you as you plan your offer and create a system to introduce prospects to your funnel and move them through seamlessly.

Hosting a Google+ Hangout on Air Tips


Hangout on Air is a way to record and share your discussions live and have them be replayed over and over again. Google Hangout on Air works with YouTube to stream your hangout live. It allows you to invite customers, friends or whoever to your public forum.

How Hangouts on Air Work

You’ll need to sign in to your Google+ account to begin with. Then go to the Home menu located on the left side of your screen. Scroll down and Click the “Hangouts on Air.”

 2-home tab

Click the “Start a Hangout on Air” button.

Here, Google+ asks you to connect to your YouTube account.

Verify your YouTube account by entering your phone number and using the verification code you receive.


Next you need to go back to the Google Hangout on Air screen and confirm YouTube and your Google plus accounts are connected.

Starting Your Hangout on Air

Give your Hangout a name and invite people to view it. The name you use here will be the title of the Hangout post in your Google+ stream and your YouTube recording. It cannot be changed in Hangouts after you set. It can be adjusted in the resulting YouTube video later though.


You can invite people from your circles or individuals. Extended circles or the public cannot be invited to join the broadcast as a participant.

Agree to the Terms. Click the start broadcast button on the right and confirm you want to broadcast your hangout publicly.


Your broadcast has now started. When you are finished, simply click the End Broadcast button to stop the broadcast. Once the broadcast is done, it is automatically converted to a static video on YouTube where people can watch it and comment on it whenever they want.

Finding your Video

Your Hangout on Air video is available on your Google+ home page. Once the Hangout is finished, the video is automatically posted publicly to your YouTube channel as well as any other live streams you have, such as embedded links on your website.

You can edit your Hangout on Air video using YouTube’s video editor. Or download it and use your own editing software like Camtasia.

The easiest way for people to find your recorded broadcast is to create a page on your blog with the embedded video stream. You can embed the live player of your Hangout on Air by copying the YouTube URL or HTML code and pasting it onto your blog page.

There is some processing time. It can take a few minutes or several hours.

Preview your recording once it is done processing. Play it from start to finish and pay close attention to the beginning and ending. You can add tags, change the view from public to private, and add thumbnails or other things. You do this by clicking on the title of the video in the video manger, clicking on edit video or edit settings.

Tips for a Successful Google+ Hangout on Air

* Send out reminders close to the time your event is taking place. Promote it in advance as much as possible. Use your social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter and your newsletters to let people know about your hangout.

* Prepare in advance for your broadcast. It’s a live event. You won’t be able to make any edits until after the event. Have some type of script or bullet points worked out ahead of time.

* Grab the code from the embed code button before you start the broadcast. You will see a link that says “Embed”. Click it and you’ll get the code you can share.


…and place it on your blog to send people to your Hangout on Air. This embeds the YouTube player on your site so visitors can watch the Hangout on Air live from your site as well as on Google+ and your YouTube channel.

* Highlight Reel. A few days after the event, post a short 1 or 2 minute highlight reel of the best moments from you hangout on your website, Google+ page, Facebook, Twitter and in any of your marketing. This is great for getting people who didn’t come to your last Hangout to attend your next one.

* Use the Q&A App. There is a Q&A app that you can use that will allow people to submit questions to your Hangout. This handy app also lets you keep track of questions you’ve already answered. NOTE: You have to start Q&A before your broadcast begins. You won’t be able to turn it on after you start.


* Add Your Name and Website to Your Video Screen. The Google Toolbox app makes it possible to add your name, location and other details like your website to the video screen.


It’s the “Lower Third” option. All you have to do is enter your information once and then have the app save the preset, so you can use it again.


Practice Ahead of Time

Check your settings so you maintain screen control during the broadcast. You can do this by going to the settings in the hangout and adjusting them to what you want.

* Make sure your environment is clear. What will people see and hear on your end? Keep distractions to a limit if possible.

* Have a conversation. Invite someone to be a guest and join in the conversation with you. It’s much more interesting to listen to a conversation than to a single person. Remember, however, that only 10 people are allowed on the Hangout on Air at a time but an unlimited number of people can watch.

Google+ Hangouts on Air is a lot like Skype. You can have conversations, text chats and record your discussions. The one thing that HOA has is the ability to share your recordings through YouTube and on your own website.

Time Saving Tips, Ideas, and Tactics to Brainstorm Your Content


As one of the most important elements of online marketing success, content can consume vast amounts of time and energy. It’s not unusual for a business owner to spend several hours a day brainstorming, writing, and publishing their content.

1-timeWhile you can’t really eliminate your need for content, you can reduce the amount of time you spend on it. By embracing tips, tactics, and systems that support you and your business, it’s safe to say that you can cut your content time in half and still create the same great content you’ve been creating.

Your time is precious. By becoming more efficient and productive, you’re able to reallocate that time you saved on content to other profitable tasks. For example, if you’re a coach and you free up 5 hours a week, you can spend those five hours coaching clients and making money.

Of course, if you’re looking for a way to enjoy a shorter work week, you can use those five hours spending time with friends, family and enjoying personal pursuits. So, let’s get to it. The Speedy Content Publishing Tips are divided into the following sections:

  • Brainstorming – learn to brainstorm faster and more efficiently.
  • Writing – Yes, you can write more quickly and still create exceptional content.
  • Researching – Too many people waste precious time researching. Learn how to find what you need quickly and painlessly.
  • Organizing – Proven tips to organize your content for productivity and efficiency.
  • Publishing – You can even save time when you publish your content.

Let’s dive right in and start with what can be the most difficult part of the content process, brainstorming.

Do you have a regular content brainstorming session or do you simply let the ideas come to you? There’s no “right” way to brainstorm content. However, there are steps that you can take to make the process more efficient and also more effective.


#1 Be Prepared

Many busy entrepreneurs find that the best content ideas come to them when they’re not working. Maybe you’re at a family picnic or sitting in traffic. You’re thinking about your business and a brilliant idea comes to you.

If you’re not prepared to document the idea, chances are you’ll forget it by the time you get home. And let’s face it, it’s easy to believe you’ll remember the idea – after all, it’s a great one. However, most often the idea fades away.

One of the fastest ways to brainstorm content is to keep a running list of ideas. The ideas may not be complete thoughts, but the concept can help you brainstorm content when it’s time to sit down and get to work.

2-documentSo how do you prepare to capture every content idea when it comes to you?

  • Notebook – yep, good old fashioned pen and paper still work
  • Phone – even a simple note-taking application can be useful
  • Voice mail- leave yourself a voice mail if you don’t have an opportunity to write down  your idea
  • Email – send yourself an email. That way, it’s waiting for you when you get back to your home office.

#2 Monthly or Weekly Ideas Session

Do you find that there is a particular day of the week or the month where you’re usually motivated and inspired? For example, after the weekend, many entrepreneurs are ready to get back to work. Monday and Tuesday are often exciting and motivating days. By the end of the week things can wind down. Identify your best time to brainstorm and capitalize on your energy by scheduling a brainstorming session.

When brainstorming:

  • Set Aside A Moderate Amount Of Time. An hour or two is probably long enough to brainstorm.  Your mind will start to wander and you’ll stop being productive. Don’t worry, once you’ve started the creative process, more ideas will come to you throughout your day.
  • 3-brainstormGo To An Inspiring Location To Brainstorm. Imagine trying to brainstorm content ideas as children are running circles around you as you sit at the kitchen table. Not very productive.

Instead, find a peaceful place where you feel inspired. Put on some music if it’s not distracting; kick your feet back and begin thinking about the various types of content you can create to help your audience.

  • Review Analytics. Great ideas are often inspired by past successes. Look at the content that received the best comments, links, and feedback. Review your analytics to find your most popular articles or posts and brainstorm more ideas on the topics.
  • Use Creativity Tools. There are many different brainstorming tools to consider. For example, mind mapping is quite popular. You can also use a vision board or even creative prompts. You can create your own brainstorming tools, too. For example, you might create a series of flash cards that ask questions like: What problem is my ideal customer facing today?
  • Identify Inspiration. Are there certain blogs, magazines, or websites that frequently inspire you? If so, organize them into a folder on your search engine toolbar. Create a folder to make them easy to access. And yes, your competition may be a key source of content inspiration.


#3 Broaden Your Horizons

One of the reasons it can become tricky to brainstorm ideas is because people get stuck in a rut. They create the same type of content over and over again. Remember you can create:

  • Audio
  • Video
  • Lists
  • Tips
  • Content series
  • Worksheets
  • Editorials
  • Q&A
  • Interviews
  • Info graphics
  • How To articles
  • Reviews

And much more. As you’re struggling to come up with ideas, try to create ideas for many different formats. You may find that a “tips” article fits nicely with an interview and create a sense of cohesion and flow on your blog or website.

Brainstorming can often be a frustrating process. Embrace systems and tools that support you to succeed. Additionally, if you find you’re having a tough time coming up with ideas, take a break or consider outsourcing the topic idea research for a month or two. You may simply need to step back and look at your audience and niche from a fresh perspective.

So once you have your list of content ideas and topics, it’s time to sit down and start creating the content. Let’s take a look at a few proven methods for enjoying productive writing sessions.

30 Types of Content You Can Publish Online

When you think of creating online content, what flashes immediately into mind?  Most likely, “blog posts”.  But did you know there are at least 30 types of content you can publish online? Here they are.

1.  Blog Posts

We had to say it.  But take note that short blog posts are going out of fashion again.  Google has let it be known it will penalize blog posts that are so short, Google feels they are nothing more than excuses for ads and affiliate links.  Their emphasis on “quality, original content” has all the top bloggers writing posts over 500 words long and very often, twice that number of words.

2.  Infographics

Still at the height of popularity, the latest trend is to impart information in visual format people can absorb with a single glance.


This works so well not so much because many people are visual learners, but because all of us internet-and-mobile age denizens have trained our brains to scan-and-glance digital content, to see if it’s worth spending time exploring further.

3.  Slide Presentations

Social platforms such as SlideShare make it easy for people to share slide presentations.  You can create these as stand-alone information modules… or as accessories for webinars you are holding.


Plus you can have people follow you from SlideShare – and share your work across other social networks.

4.  Media Page

Every online entrepreneur should have a Media Page (section) on his or her blog or website.  Within this tab, radio hosts, news reporters and readers should be able to find:
  • Photos they can use (including your headshot)
  • Archived newsletters
  • Archived Press Releases
  • Bio information
  • The latest news about you/your business
And anything else you’d like them to share.

5.  Skype Chat Text Interviews

This is a brand new, dynamic and interactive way to present Skype interviews – a live link for people to join in and a blog transcript for those viewing the post after the call has completed.


Again, you can generate shares and follows for this type of content – as well as sharing your interviewer/interviewee’s website link, as Vera Raposo of Creative Biz has done with Kristen Eckstein’s Ultimate Book Coach site.

6.  Landing Pages

Short pages you send people to so they will sign up – either for your newsletter, a “freebie”, your website or blog – or a paid product.

7.  Sales Pages

Not-always-longer versions of Landing pages, promoting your paid offer.  Sales pages can come in many formats:
  • Traditional long letter format
  • Short landing page format
  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
  • Video
  • Audio
Pick the format that best suits your audience’s engagement style.

8.  Podcasts

You can make your website more interactive by providing Podcasts — .MP3 audio files your visitors can listen to (or download, if you let them).


They can listen in real-time, if you provide a teleseminar phone link – and then enjoy the recording in podcast format on your blog.

9.  Newsletter Archives

Everyone who owns a blog or website should have a newsletter – and archive old newsletter editions either on a Media page or in an Archives page. Newsletter provide an instant history of your business.  People can go through each newsletter, from your very first one, and see where you started out – and where you are now. If your newsletters are high enough in value you can even choose to keep them in a hidden section for paid members of your membership site.

10.  Templates

People will return again and again to your site if they know you have great resources such as templates at your site.  These can be blog post templates, review templates – even HTML templates.

11.  Tip Sheets

This is another desirable type of content to offer as a sign-up incentive on your blog or website.  The key is to make it highly specific to their most pressing interest at this time – or to new technology that is affecting their niche: (E.g.  “30 Tips For Making the Most of Facebook Changes”).

12.  Images

We don’t just mean “stick a picture in your blog post”.  Image use should be an integrated strategy you use to brand your business and tell your story. They should consistently support your online identity and “voice”.

13.  Animated Gifs

There’s been such a prejudice against “distracting” animations, this is not a method most people think of, when it comes to content creation.  Yet under the right circumstances, they can be used effectively. There are two keys to creating a positive rather than a negative effect: a)     Choose a “loop” that looks natural repeating (e.g. a candle flame flickering, water gently tossing in a bay), rather than a moment in time endlessly replaying. b)     If you just want to catch attention, simply set the animation to repeat only once, as laid out in this Yahoo answer. 5-looping-once-yahoo There are many free sites that allow you to create animated .gifs.  Two that are easier than most are Lunapic and  Makeagif, with tutorials and wizards respectively. (Click on this link for an example of the sort of thing you can do.)

14.  Video

Every online entrepreneur should make videos and share them across platforms like YouTube, Pinterest and Vimeo.  The real issue is what type of video best supports your business?
  • “How to” demonstration
  • “Talking head” update from you to your followers
  • Animation
  • Recorded webinar with slides
  • Video blog entry

Nicole Munoz Youtube

15.  Downloadable .PDF files

You can offer eBooks and reports in .PDF format as sign-up incentives for subscribing to your blog or website.

16.  Checklists

Another great sign-up incentive – or bonus.  People love checklists – it helps make them feel organized in a world of chronic digital overwhelm!


17.  Google Hangouts

You can host a meeting, interview or seminar by creating a “Hangout” within your Google+ account.  Ask fellow Circle members to join you. Better yet, choose the live streaming option to help it go viral, if it’s something you want everyone to see, and it will automatically be recorded and uploaded to your YouTube channel.

18.  Logo

A Logo that captures in a blink the essence of your business (and helps people instantly think of it) is essential, if you’re branding your business rather than you, yourself.

19.  White Papers

A “white paper” is much like a report, but is usually a formal presentation of statistics or a document analyzing something of great importance to your website visitors. If your target market are corporate-minded, white papers are usually deemed of more value than “reports”.

20.  About Page

This is one of your best pieces of online real estate.  While you are talking about yourself, you are doing so to build identification and rapport with your ideal visitor, so even when talking about yourself, it should really be all about her. Use your top keywords in your About page contest.  And it’s a great spot to put a headshot, if you haven’t done so anywhere else on your site.

21.  Bonuses

Bonus downloads and perks add value to your offers, blogs and websites.  These can take any format – video, .MP3, tip sheets, reports… And they can be created by you… or by a JV partner.  Or simply purchased as Master Resale items to share with your list.  (Pick the format your target customer or client would love best!)

22.  Coupons

A coupon can also add value to your offer or website.  You can make them printable, if you have a local business… or give a coupon code at checkout to sweeten an offer. Just be sure to set a start end date (and limit the number), to keep your ROI in the black!

23.  QR Codes

Are your best paying customers avid Smartphone users?  Then put QR codes on your website, blog, business cards, flyers, merchandise – and more. You can also set this digital bar code to take people straight to:
  • A telephone call (your number)
  • A text message
  • Your website
  • A coupon or special offer

24.  Cartoons

You don’t often see cartoons  in digital marketing – but that’s all the more reason to consider using them, if your niche members are highly visual-oriented.


25.  Statistics

Sharing statistics can be a huge draw for many business niches.  You can share them in:
  • Chart format
  • Graph format
  • Tables
  • Lists

26.  FAQ Pages

Having a list of Frequently Asked Questions on your site is a great way to please visitors – and cut down on repetitive emails. A FAQ page is also indispensable in your Affiliate section, if you have affiliates.

27.  The Legal Stuff

If you are an affiliate marketer, you’ll know you need to provide a Disclaimer or Disclaimer Page, stating that you may receive compensation for recommendations. Other types of “necessaries”:
  • Terms of Service
  • Privacy Policy (this one’s a “must” too)

28.  Maps

Indispensable, if you’re a local business and want people to either visit your premises or see your range of service.


29.  Reviews

If you are recommending products, use a review template to provide consistent reviews. Your aim should be to become a trusted resource for people in your niche, so that yours is the site they turn to first, when looking for  product information.


30.  “How to” Tutorials

These can be in video, diagram, audio, graphic or written format… or a combination of any of these.  (An added bonus: “How-tos” turn your site into a resource.)


There are many more content types you can use on your website – but whichever you choose, be original, unique – and tuned in to your visitors.

How to Create & Share a YouTube Playlist in 7 Easy Steps

Nicole Munoz Youtube

A YouTube playlist is a great way to sort your favorite videos. For example, you can save all your favorite music videos in one playlist, your favorite funny videos in another and your favorite inspiring videos in yet another playlists.

Playlists can also be shared. If you want to share a playlist of 15 videos to your friends, it’s as simple as sending a link.

Here’s how to create and share a YouTube Playlist.

Step 1: Go to a Video You Like

Find a video you like that you’d like to add to your playlist.


Step 2: Click the Dropdown Arrow by “Add To”

Under each video are a series of options. Click the drop down arrow by the “Add To” button to access the playlist menu. Click the “New playlist…” button to create a new playlist.


Step 3: Name Your Playlist

A naming box will appear. Type the name of your new playlist in and press enter. YouTube will confirm that your new video has been added to the playlist.

Keep going through your favorite videos and adding them to your playlist. Add as many as you want in as many playlists as you want.


Step 4: Go to Playlists

To change or share your playlist, click on your name in the upper right corner and select “Playlists”.


Step 5: Select the Playlist You Want to Edit or Share

On the left of the Playlists screen, select which playlist you want to edit or share.


Step 6: Edit Your Playlist

Change the order of videos on by moving them up or down. Click the checkbox next to any video and click remove to delete a video.


Step 7: Share Your Playlist

To share your playlist, click “Share” along the top of your playlist. Copy and paste the playlist URL that appears to share your playlist with your friends!


That’s all there is to it. You now know how to create playlists, add videos to playlists, re-order your playlists, remove videos from playlists and share your playlists.

The Complete YouTube Guide for Business Owners


Everybody loves YouTube. And do you know why? Because everyone will find useful information on Youtube, no matter what their interests are. And did you know that you are hurting your business because you don’t have a Youtube channel? This guide will give enough information on how to create a Youtube account, a channel, upload a video and use Youtube’s video editor.

Setting Up Your Account


Before you can upload any YouTube videos, you’ll first need to setup your own account. Having your personal account will allow you to save favorite videos, compile playlists, like or dislike videos and of course upload your own videos.

Here’s how to setup your account.

Step 1: Click “Create Account” & Fill Out the Signup Form


Create a Google account: https://accounts.google.com/ . If you already have a Gmail account, you’ll be prompted to link that with your YouTube account.

Fill out the YouTube signup form if you don’t have a Gmail account.


It’s that simple! You’ve now created your YouTube account. Before you start posting videos, it might be a good idea to add an avatar and fill out your profile.

Step 2: Click Account Preferences

Right after your account is created, click “account preferences.”

Step 3: Click Profile Setup


In your account settings, you can setup all kinds of things like privacy settings or notifications that don’t actually influence how users see your video.

The one area that really matters for video publishing is your profile.

Click “Profile Setup” to access the setup screen. This is where you can enter a description for yourself, your website URL, your real name if you so choose, etc. You can also upload a profile photo or avatar here.

To upload a picture, just hit “Change Picture.” Once you’re finished with all your changes, click “Save Changes.”
You’ve now setup a new YouTube account or linked an existing Google account to your YouTube account. You’ve also setup your profile so others can learn a bit about you in your profile.


Setting Up Your YouTube Channel and Customizing It


Your YouTube channel is a bit like a TV channel. You have all your uploaded videos in one place, and people can “surf” your channel and look through all the videos you’ve uploaded in the order of your choice. You can also throw in other people’s videos in the mix.

You can customize quite a bit about how your channel looks and operates. Here’s how to setup your channel and customize it.

Step 1: Accessing Your Channel


To access your channel, click the little dropdown arrow next to your name in the upper right corner of your screen.

A menu will appear. Click on “My Channel.” The controls for your channel will be laid out along the top. A preview of what your channel looks like will be directly below it.

1.2 - Edit-channel

Step 2: Edit About information

Add a link to your website on the “Links” section and your business description on “Channel description”.


Step 3: Personalize the Account


Add a channel cover customized for your business. You can have a custom made YouTube cover to include your logo or any graphic element that is related to your business.


Step 4: Channel Settings


Your channel settings are where you can set your channel’s tags, your channel’s title, whether or not it’s searchable, the type of channel you run (YouTuber, musician, etc) and a few more settings.

Click on “Settings” to access this menu.


This section allows to verify the account, enable monetization settings

Verified accounts (there are two verification methods Voice call or SMS) are allowed to upload videos longer than 15 minutes or do live streaming events.


How to Upload and Customize a Video


You’ve put a lot of time into shooting great video and editing it into a masterpiece. Now how do you actually get it online, on YouTube? How do you make sure your video’s settings, such as whether or not people can comment on your video, are set correctly?

Here’s how to upload your video and customize its settings.

Step 1: Click Upload


Once signed into your YouTube account, click “Upload.”


Step 2: Select the File


Select files to upload or just drag and drop them. A file selection box will pop up. Choose your video file. Once you’ve selected your file, you’ll see the upload progress box displayed.


Step 3: Enter Your Title and Description


YouTube allows you to edit your title, descriptions, tags, categories and privacy settings all while your video is being uploaded. Customize these settings right below the upload box.

Your title is crucial because it’s what a large part of what people use to decide if they’ll watch your video. Your description is the text that shows right below your video.

Tags and categories will help people discover your video.

The privacy settings and licenses will help you decide exactly where your video does and doesn’t end up online.

Once the upload is finished, you’ll see the processing screen. Wait for your video to get processed, which can take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours.



Step 4: Accessing the Edit Screen


To edit your video’s settings, click on “Videos” and choose the video you want to edit.


Step 5: Edit Basic Video Information


If you want to change your video’s basic information, you can change it here.


Step 6: Choose Thumbnail


Your thumbnail is a critical part of the YouTube video experience, because the thumbnail is what people first see when they’re deciding if they’re going to click on your video.

Unfortunately, YouTube by default only gives you 3 frames to choose from. If you don’t see a thumbnail you like from one of the three choices, you’ll need to shift your video slightly in a video editor and re-upload it to get new choices. (This example includes a video shot in the same angle so all of the images look similar).

Step 7: Choose Commenting Options


Choose whether you want to moderate comments, allow them automatically or not allow any comments at all. Also choose whether or not you want users to be able to vote on comments.


Step 8: Save Changes


There are a few other options you should check out, such as whether or not you want people to be able to embed your video on their own websites. By and large however, after setting up the settings above your video will be ready to go.

Click on “Save Changes” once you’re ready to publish your video.
Congratulations! You’ve now uploaded a video, added a title and description, tagged and categorized your video, setup your thumbnail picture and set your commenting options.


How to Use YouTube’s Video Editor

If you don’t want to learn or pay for an expensive video editing program, you can do quite a bit of editing with YouTube’s built in editor. While it doesn’t have fancy effects or advanced video editing features, you can easily paste together different clips of video, add in sound tracks and create an elegant video file all without having to learn any video editing skills.

Here’s how to use YouTube’s video editor.

Step 1: Accessing the Video Editor


Click “Videos” in the drop down box in the upper right corner. Then click “Enhancements” along the top navigation bar.


Step 2: Adding Effects<>

You can improve the image quality by choosing one of the effects.


Step 3: Adding Music


To add music, first click the music symbol along the top. Hover your mouse over any track and click the “Play” button to preview the track. When you find a track you want to add to your video, just click the “+” symbol next to the track.


You can also sort the music by genre or artist. You can even search by specific artist name or by typing in a name of a song to see if YouTube has it available.
Once you’ve added a track to your video, it’ll be displayed under the video timeline.

Step 4: Add Annotations


Use Annotations to promote your business, add a phone number or links to relevant information presented in the video.

Step 5: Add Captions


You can use this feature to upload the video’s transcript or a subtitle if you want to reach to international customers.


Congratulations! You’ve just learned how to add your own clips to the YouTube editor, add creative common audio for your video, add annotations or captions. It is time to use this guide and start promoting your business!

How To Find Out How You Can Market Yourself

Often I find that people don’t know how market themselves.
Here is a tip on what to do if you don’t know how to present yourself to others.
You will be surprised on how much you can learn with this video.

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