Understanding Facebook Insights


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Facebook Insights is Facebook’s analytics for Facebook pages. Using Insights, you can see how many people are viewing your page, liking your page, commenting on your page and more.

You can separate your data by age, geography and gender. This information can come in handy both for Facebook Ads as well as advertising in other areas of your business.

Here’s how to access and understand Facebook insights.


On your Facebook home page, go to the left panel and click on your page to access it.

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On your Admin Panel, go to the Insights Box and click “See All”.

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The Page Overview screen gives you the two most important pieces of data at one glance: Your user overview and interactions overview

Your user overview looks like this:

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Here’s what each stat means:

  • People Talking About This – How many people have created a story about you? (likes, comments, shares, mentions, tags, etc)
  • Total Likes – How many likes has your page gotten, total?
  • Weekly Total Reach – How many people have seen any content associated with your Page?

Below the numerical stats is a graphical representation of your user activity, charted in graph form.

Below the user data is the Interactions data. Here’s what it looks like.

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Click on the Likes tab on the top to access detailed likes data.

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The first graph shows the Demographics and Locations of your likes.

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Along the top is a graphical breakdown of your female to male audience percentage. It’ll also break down your audience by age groups. The data is viewable both numerically and visually.

Along the bottom you can see the breakdown of where your visitors are coming from and what their primary language is.

If you click on see likes, you will find a list of all the user that have liked your page.

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Scroll down again to see information of where your likes come from.

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You can see the activity of likes and unlikes, as well as the sources.


Click on the reach tab on the top to access your interactions data.

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You’ll see the demographics and location box first, and then you will see the “How You Reached People” box. You can choose to see All Page Content, Posts or Stories By Others, on the dropdown Menu.

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Here’s what each stat means:

  • Organic: Number of unique people who saw your posts on their news feed, ticker or your page.
  • Paid: Number of unique people who saw an ad or sponsored story that pointed to your page.
  • Viral: Number of unique people who saw a story about your page published by a friend.
  • Total: Number of unique people who saw any story associated with your page.

Next to that graph, you will see the frequency of each user.

Below that is a graph showing the visits to your page.

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Click on the talking about this tab on the top to access your interactions data.

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First, you will see a graph showing the demographic and locations. (Note: This is only available when more than 30 people were talking about your Page in the 7 days preceding the last day of your selected date range.)

Next, is a graph showing how people are talking about your page:

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  • Talking About This: Number of people who created a story abour your page.
  • Viral Reach: Number of people who saw a story published by a friend about your page.


Now that you know about insights, go to your Facebook Insights, and get the best out of this data!

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