Benefit From the Tools of Twitter

Everyone is talking about Twitter. This rapidly growing site is even expanding language: “Tweets”, “Re-tweeting”,”Twittermance”..I’m sure there is much more Twitter slang that I am unaware of at the moment. The real point is, Twitter’s time in the spotlight has finally come. Although to many of us it may feel like Twitter magically appeared just recently, the company behind this social site was actually created back in 2006!

Twitter was created as yet another social site where friends and family could maintain their relationships while living busy lives. However, because of the openness of the site, anyone can find anybody and follow their “tweets”. This aspect of the social site has opened the doors for businesses to head down another social media marketing path. Here, we’re going to look at a few tools that you can use in your Twitter marketing campaigns. Just remember! This IS a social site and therefore if you utilize any tools to create hard sell type information, it is unlikely you will gain followers – or business.

Twiddeo is a powerful but simple service that let’s you do one thing very well: Twitter updates with Video.

To get started using Twiddeo, you must first have a Twitter account, of course! Using your Twitter username and password, you then log in to the Twiddeo site. From here, you can upload video from either your computer, from your cell phone, or from your Webcam. Webcam video posts are for those who are super confident in their abilities to get their message out quickly and eloquently on the first try – there is no editing here!

Uploading videos is a quick and simple way to keep in touch with your Twitter followers. And since so many people prefer to watch videos over reading text of any sort, video is an incredible format in which to get your message – and your face – seen by consumers every single day. Furthermore, there are those who write and those who speak. We all have our own innate talents. If yours is the spoken word, go with it and capitalize on the video marketing techniques you can use on Twitter!

Using Twitterfeed, you can get your blog (or any other RSS or Atom feed) sent directly to the popular micro-blogging platform. In addition to posting your desired feed directly to Twitter, this service also posts to, custom laconica installations, and via HelloTxt or simultaneously to the many platforms supported by these services. I don’t claim to know all of the services out there, but luckily this article is mainly focusing on the Twitter platform.

The thing about using Twitterfeed is that you will need to also have an Open ID. This is a free service that basically sets you up with one ID that you can use to login to all of the password protected websites you use on a regular basis. You may be able to just use your blog login on Twitterfeed, but it will take a little figuring out. This just might be a project you want to outsource!

Because Twitter is a social site that seems to be clambering forward full steam ahead, there are certainly many more tools and applications that will emerge as time goes on. For now, find those tools that best suit your marketing needs and run with them!

1 thought on “Benefit From the Tools of Twitter”

  1. Hi,
    Just to let you know that we just added our site to twitter. We are going Global!
    We have had over 98,000 podcast and mp3’s downloads and I am sure that this tools are really going to help us!


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