Get Started With Google+


How to Set Up Your Account

Once you’re signed up on Google+, how do you actually setup your account? In this guide, you’ll learn how to add information to your profile, how to choose who can see what, how to set your notification preferences and how to link up other social networks to your Google+ account.


Step 1: Accessing Your Settings

To get to your settings page, click on the “Settings” dropdown button in the top right.


Click on “Account”


Click on “Google+”


Step 2: Add a Phone Number

Adding a phone number allows Google to send you a text whenever you get a notification. To add a phone number, type in your mobile number, then click “Send Verification Code.”

You’ll need to get the code from your phone and enter it into Google+ before you can receive notifications.


Step 3: Choosing Your Notifications

When do you want to receive an email or text from Google+? Use the checkboxes to select when you do and don’t want to get notifications.


Step 4: Set Your Image Preferences

Choose whether or not you want geographical location information to be tagged onto your photos. Most modern cameras, including the iPhone and Android cameras now tag geographical information onto photos.

If you check the “Show photo geo location information” box, Google+ will automatically add the geo location tag to your photos.


Your other choice is who gets to automatically have their photos approved. Approved photos show up on your profile. Use the blue drop-down box and the “Add more people” button to choose who can post photos of you and have them approved automatically. You can also choose to upload photos at full size from your mobile or desktop, autoenhance and autoawesome.

Step 5: Access the Profile Edit Page

To edit your profile, click on “Profile and privacy.”

Then click on your profile.7-Click-Your-Profile

Click on “About.”8-Click-About

Step 6: Editing Your Personal Information

Fill out your story, things you’re proud of, occupation, employment, education and places lived information.



Then fill out your contact information, relationship status, gender and alternate names.


Step 7: Safeguarding Your Personal Information

Google+ makes it very easy to choose who can see what personal information. When you click on a field to enter your information, below it is a privacy setting button.

Just click on the button to choose exactly who can see the information you type in.


Step 8: Add Other Social Networks

If you want to add other social networks to your Google+ profile, go to the “Links” box in your “About” page, and add your social networks URLs to your Google+ profile.


You’ll immediately see a list of accounts that Google+ thinks belongs to you, based on Google+ searching the various social networks.

If you see any accounts that do indeed belong to you, just click the “+” button to link the account.

Click “Save” and the account will be linked to Google+.

Now click on “Manage connected accounts”.

13-Manage connected accounts

And there, you can add your social networks, simply by typing your username, or by entering your profile URL.


Congratulations! You’ve just setup your Google+ account. You’ve learned how to add a phone number, how to set notifications, how to setup your profile, how to adjust your privacy settings and how to link other social networks.