Google Places – Navigating & Understanding Stats

 local business

Google Places offers Analytics data for local listings. To check the stats, you have to login to Google Places and then click on “Dashboard” tab.


At the top of your dashboard or stats page, you’ll see two date areas. The first is the custom date range where you can select any stat date range. The second is the recent dates, where you can choose to click and show stats from the last seven days or 30 days.


To change the page view to show a custom date range for your stats, click on the beginning date (the first box) and choose your date from the dropdown calendar. Choose the ending date (the second box) by repeating the process. After the dates are changed, click the “Apply” button.



Activity Graph

The activity graph gives you an over view of the number of impressions (blue) and the actions or clicks (green).



Totals Breakdown

The totals area gives you the totals for the impressions and actions, as well as a breakdown of the actions. This section tells us that there were 19 impressions and 6 clicks were made during those views.

Under the actions section, we see a breakdown of what the viewers were interested in on your ad. From the information below, we can tell that 2 clicks were for more info on Maps, while 4 clicks went to the website.


Top Search Terms

In the top search queries section, there are three columns. The first column contains the search terms. The second column shows the number of impressions that showed for that term. The third column is a bar graph that represents the number of impressions.


Driving Directions

When someone clicks to request driving directions to your business address, this section will show where they would be coming from.
