15 Productivity Killers That Are Keeping You Away from Your Goals

What Kills Productivity? We all have the same 24 hours in a day, yet some seem to get way more done than others. Let’s take a look at a few of the more common productivity killers. These can be killing your productivity in either your personal or business life.

productivity help

Killer #1: Too much on your plate is one of the top productivity killers. We take on tasks even when we already have a full plate. Often times we do this because we are confident and overly optimistic. We believe we can get everything done. Or maybe we just haven’t learned to say no to those things we really don’t want to do.

too much work

Killer #2: Which leads to the next killer: You don’t know how to say no. By spreading yourself too thin, your quality of work, your health and your sanity often suffer. Taking on too much, filling your plate with every request made of you, can be overwhelming and cause you to not get done half of what you normally could.

Killer #3: Not getting enough sleep can kill your productivity. I’m not telling you to get 10 hours of sleep. Everyone’s body is different. But research says most people need 7 to 8 hours to be fully rested.


Killer #4: Not getting enough exercise can kill your productivity as well. Physical activity keeps your mind healthy as well as your body. Just a simple walk around the block can clear your mind so you are ready to start on a task when you return.

Killer #5: Not enough time for yourself. Not only do you need enough sleep, you need time to yourself. This means taking short breaks throughout the day and regular vacation time. This helps your body renew itself.

Killer #6: Not eating a healthy diet. Junk food, sweets, fats and processed foods all make your body weak, overweight and sick while slowing your immune system.

Killer #7: You’re not motivated by what you’re doing. Are you bored with what you are doing? It is hard to get motivated in the morning because you don’t enjoy what the day has to offer? Figure out what you love to do to; being passionate and excited leads to being more productive.

Killer #8: Your personal relationships aren’t in balance. Frustration, fighting and friction among your family or friends can take a toll on your energy. Find ways to reduce this stress.

stress money

Killer #9: Your finances are causing you stress. Financial stress is a big distraction to a lot of people. It takes our mind and time away from doing things we want to be doing.

Killer #10: You rely on your own willpower to get you started. If your willpower is running on low, you won’t get to the tasks done.

Killer #11: There’s no one to hold you accountable. If you aren’t held responsible for your actions, you can easily not get things done.

Killer #12: You don’t know what to do next. You don’t know what your next step should be.

Killer #13: Interruptions are a constant in our fast-paced life. Email, people, phone calls are all interruptions that can affect your productivity.


Killer #14: You haven’t set clear goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely, emotional, and rewarding.

Killer #15: Not planning regularly. Your priorities change and your plan of action should be changing with it.

Not all these things are a problem for everyone. You will have to determine which are affecting your productivity and learn ways to deal with them. You might need to change your eating and sleeping patterns or your financial situation. Whatever is causing you to be less productive can be changed.