How to Submit Your Documents to Scribd


Scribd is an online document sharing platform that combines social networking elements with online text file sharing.

When your documents are on Scribd, it’s automatically search engine optimized and submitted to multiple platforms to help you get maximum exposure.

Here’s how to submit your documents to Scribd.

Step 1: Select Upload a Document


When you land on Scribd’s front page, you’ll be presented with the “Upload a Document” button in the middle of the front page. Click that button to get started.




Step 2: Choose Your File


Select a document to upload. Scribd makes this process very intuitive by giving you several different uploading options.

You can upload via files, connect it to Google Docs, copy and paste the text or download Scribd’s desktop uploader to upload files faster from your desktop.

Choose one of these options and select the file you want to upload.


Step 3: Confirm TOS & Copyright Policy


A popup box will appear to verify that you own the documents you’re uploading:


Click OK. The upload process will then begin:


Step 4: Create Your Account


Enter your email address to create your account. The password will be sent to your email.



Step 5: Verify Your Upload


At this point, your upload should be finished! If everything went well, you’ll be taken back to your home screen which now has the document you just uploaded:



Click on the document to make sure everything is in order. Congratulations! You’ve just uploaded your first Scribd document.

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