How to Repurpose a Press Release

pressreleaseYou’ve put together the perfect press release. Now what do you do with it? This handy checklist will help ensure you make the most of your story.


Publish the release on your website. Create a “Media” section of your website and ensure you post all your press releases. Make sure your media section includes:


  • Your contact information
  • An RSS feed for media updates
  • Email sign up for updates
  • Twitter and Facebook Pages dedicated to company news.


Distribute the release to your local media. Local newspapers, TV and radio programs are interested in stories in their community and are your best bet for good coverage. Visit the publication websites and find the appropriate editor or reporter to directly send your release to.


Distribute to trade publications. There may some international or national publications that deal directly with your industry. Find the appropriate editor contact to submit your story. You can begin your search at:


Build your media list with these online resources. There are a numbers of websites where you might research potential media contacts.


Also try for reference purposes:


Distribute your release to online press release sites. There are a number of press release sites where you can submit your release. Some include:


Distribute to corporate websites. Large companies who run websites may accept formal press releases. Look for their submission information and follow the steps required.


Repurpose Your Release for Further Distribution


Write informally to bloggers. While larger company websites may accept and prefer the press release format, bloggers will often appreciate a more informal approach. Take the information from your story and turn it into a personal email to the blogger. Make sure to include information on why you are contacting that blogger in particular and show that you are familiar with and appreciate their work.


Approach podcasts. There are plenty of online podcasts that would be interested in hearing from you. They might require an informal approach, much like described in approaching bloggers. Some places to find podcasts:

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