How to Determine Your Webinar Marketing Strategy


When you decide to have a webinar it’s important to know why you’re having it and what your goals are in having it. You must know who your target audience is. Knowing what they want and need is an important factor in marketing your webinar. If you don’t know who your target market is, you need to figure that out before going further. Ask yourself, “Who has bought from me in the past?” or “Who do I want to buy from me in the future?”. Then, design your marketing to match. Once you’ve determined your audience and your topic then you’ll need to get on with determining your webinar marketing strategy.


Decide Webinar Objective

Is your objective to gather leads, make a specific number of sales, increase customer satisfaction, or something else entirely? Be very specific about the objective of the webinar so that you set up all aspects of the webinar with the objectives in mind. Write down your objectives.

16-checkSet Sales Goals 

You may actually have zero sales goals in terms of product sales. Your goal might be to get 500 new email subscribers. Whatever your goals set them now based on your webinar objective. Write down your sales goals.

Set the Date & Time

Choose a time and date that most of your target audience will be available. Having the time and date in advance is essential to planning a successful webinar. Try to choose your date six weeks down the line so that you have enough time to plan and market the event. Document the date and time in your event calendar.

Identify Resources 

What contacts do you have already? Consider past event attendees, customers, guests and current email list subscribers. Aside from people resources, how much money and time can you spend putting on the webinar? Know in advance what you have, so that you can work within those restrictions. Write down your budget in a small spreadsheet so that you can keep track of your expenditures. Later you’ll be able to include your sales from the event to track profit.


Create Your Special Offer 

Each speaker should have a special offer for attendees, it needs to be created as soon as possible because it needs to be mentioned in the sales copy. The special offer should be applicable to the event and the target audience and not outside, unrelated products and services.

Write Sales Copy 

Sales pages, pay per click ads, social media ads, affiliate marketing ads, etc… all need to be created as soon as you know the topic, speakers and date.


To create a good sales page and emails remember this: Intro, body with bullets, conclusion and call to action such as a registration button. Inside each areas you should have keywords. Test out different CTAs to ensure that everyone who wants to will sign up. Also include social media buttons so that people can share the information.

Create Graphics 

All speakers should have headshots, a blurb about them, and information about what part of the even they will be presenting. Plus, if they are giving out any handouts, freebies, or other information graphical representations should be created. Other graphics would be banners and buttons for advertisements and images to use within your own presentation. You can ask that your presenters contribute their own graphics to the event.


Obtain Testimonials 

Ask for testimonials from people who have already used your products and services or attended one of your events. Having these testimonials on your sales page with headshots and links back to their own websites will encourage more attendees. After this event is over, send a survey to people who attended the event and ask for testimonials. Do this as soon as possible.


Follow Up 

The real value for you in webinars is what happens after the webinar. Whether your goal was to gather more leads, or sale more product and services you will at the very least get sign ups from people who registered for the event. Now, you can market to them via email in a way that can’t be done by a one off advertisement.

Planning in advance every aspect of your webinar event from pre-event preparation to post event is an important part of conducting a successful and profitable webinar. You really can’t wing it for a webinar event. There are too many things to coordinate from the speakers to the technology, to how you will follow up with the attendees.

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