How To Have A Happy and Successful Life – Part 2

Have you ever noticed that millionaires and people that outwardly seem to have “everything” are actually quite miserable?

This world would like us to believe that if we are rich and have all that money can buy, then we can be happy.

We live the dream waiting. We think… well as soon as I go to college and begin to live life on my own I will be happy. As soon as I graduate college and get my first job I will be happy. As soon as I find that perfect someone and get married I will be happy. As soon as I buy my first home I will be happy. As soon as I get a new car I will be happy.

And it goes on and on and on and on.

It is not true.

John 3:16 says: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Did you know that God loves you? Take a moment to really think about that statement – God loves you. Regardless of your race, age, background, past failures or any other aspect of your life, He deeply cares about you and is personally aware of all that is going on in your life. In short, God has an incredible love for you and wants more than anything else to have a genuine, personal relationship with you that can last forever.

But there is a problem.

Romans 3:23 says: For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.

You have a problem; in fact we all have it – we have broken God’s commands. The Bible calls this sin. Have you ever lied, stolen, or thought a wrong thought Each of those actions breaks a command of God. Looking honestly into our own hearts reveals the truth – we have committed sin and are now forced to live with its devastating results. Sin did not always exist though. It all began with a choice that Adam made in the gardne of Eden. God had given him just one rule – to not eat of a specific tree – and he broke it. By that choice, he corrupted his own nature and would eventually pass that ruined nature on to us. When we were born, we took on the physical traits of our parents, but also received the sinful nature passed down to us by Adam.

There is also a penalty.

Romans 6:23 says: For the wages of sin is death…

Sin has a penalty, a punishment for wrong actions. You may think that you are a good person who does good things, but we are all guilty of breaking God’s commandments. Because of this we have to be punished. If someone were to commit a violent crime against you, but then the judge released that person unpunished because they attended church, volunteered in community events, or helped out their neighbor, you would rightly say that the judge was not a just judge. God is a just judge, and because of this He cannot let sin pass. We’ve all sinned and we deserve the penalty for that sin – an eternity separated from God, which the Bible refers to as spiritual death in a place called Hell.

There is a solution.

Romans 5:8 says: But God commendeth His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

The only accepted payment for sin is death (which is separation from God), but God created a plan so that someone else could die to pay your sins.

God didn’t want to be separated from you.

I mentioned earlier that God loves you. The biggest obstacle to God’s reconciliation with you is your sin. God will not allow sin in heaven or build a relationship with those who have sin in their lives. There would have to be a full payment for your sin before you could have a relationship with God or enter heaven.

God provided a full-payment for your sin.

In His love and mercy, God chose to give His Son Jesus to pay for your sin. Jesus is just as much God as God the Father is, yet He came to earth and walked among us. God literally wrote Himself into human history in order to save mankind. While on earth, Jesus faced all the trials and temptations that we face, but never sinned. After a few years of preaching, some civic and religious leaders who didn’t think Jesus really was God had Him crucified. As He died on the cross, having done nothing wrong, He accomplished His greatest work – He paid for your sin. Three days later, he would rise from the dead, proving to all that He truly was God.

What will you do with this free gift that is being offered you?

Jesus died for you but like any gift that has been given you have a choice. You can accept it, ignore it, or reject it. What will you do with Jesus Christ?

Romans 10:13 says: For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

What is your response?

Everyone responds to the gospel. Some ignore it, refusing to pay attention to God. Others reject it, choosing to take their chances with eternity. Then there are those who accept it, believing that Jesus really will save them from the penalty of their sins. For those who want to get right with God and live with His blessing on their life, there is a simple process of making the relationship right:

Admit your guilt and turn from sin.
For all have sinned… Romans 3:23

Believe in Christ’s payment for your sin.
While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

Pray, believing Jesus Christ is Lord and ask God to save you.
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:9

When I was 15 years old on December 13, 1990 when I was alone in my room I called out to God. Up to that point if anyone has asked, I would have told them I was an atheist. I called out to God and I said, “God I don’t even know if you exist… but if you do, I give my life to you. Please forgive me of my sins and come into my heart and save me.”

When I said those words my world changed.

It was not the saying of the words that did anything. It was the heartfelt cry out to God. Faith. Belief. Trust. Repentance.

When I said those words, a peace like I had never known came into my heart and gave me joy and happiness like I had never known before. I felt like God was putting his arms around me and giving me a warm hug.

It was that moment that I was “born again” and born into the family of God. God saved me and washed ALL my sins away and it was from that date forward if anyone ever asked me, “If you were to die today are you 100% for sure you would go to Heaven when you die?” That I could answer with a definitive YES.

When you get saved certain things happen. You are born into God’s family. You begin to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. You begin to have peace and joy.

I ask you. I challenge you to honestly ask yourself. If you were to die today, are you 100% for sure you would go to Heaven when you died?

If not, consider calling on Him today. What have you got to lose?

How to Have a Happy and Successful Life – Part 1

For the last few years of doing business online, I have always tried to keep my personal views and my business completely separate. It was never a secret that my main day job is living in Puebla, Mexico where my family and I serve as missionaries. ( It was never a secret that my husband is a pastor. That when my first child was only 4 months old, I left my home and went to a strange city where I did not know a single soul to start a church with my husband. I was never ashamed of my true passion in life… but I wanted to keep it separate.

I did the same with my friends from church. I was afraid what others might think if they knew that I had a “hobby” that was generating some extra income. I was afraid of being judged and possibly having churches stop supporting our work and stop supporting my husband if they “found out’ that I had a website that sold camping gear as a side income for my family. ( I was very careful to never connect my business to my personal profile online.

A few years ago the though was that you could create “personas” online that would be the face of your company. It was thought that you could create one single persona and publish blog posts and build up the credibility of your company through this persona. This has all changed in 2012. When Google began to have website owners link their websites to their Google+ profile… when customers began to search for the company profiles on Twitter, on Facebook, and on LinkedIn… personas became a thing of the past.

This last August my family and I came to California for what is called a furlough. We are taking 6-10 months off of the mission field to do things like get all of the medical issues taken care of, have our kids spend a year in a Christian school so that they can experience the US culture and make friends, we are visiting our supporting churches and thanking them for the years of financial help they have given us… and we are calling on new churches to help us so that the work in Mexico can continue to grow. While here I have had the opportunity to meet in person with many business owners and attend many live events in the San Diego area. And something began to bother me.

It was probably the second MeetUp that I attended when it first happened. Everyone in the room it seemed like was talking about some new philosophy called “Access Consciousness’. They were talking about different levels of “bars”. About being certified as trainers for different levels. I was at another event where the whole focus was on sharing your unique philosophy with the world. They believed that everyone is put on this earth for a reason and that you have a destiny to share your message with the world and if you don’t share your message with the world, then the world is going to miss out. And finally a few weeks ago at yet another conference about how to become a speaker I was in line for lunch and I began to speak with the lady in front of me. I asked her what she did and she said she wanted to help people to align their left brains with their right brains. She said that people that have had traumas in their life have experienced a severance between the right and left brain and that is why they have all of the problems that they do and her mission in life was to help people align their left and right brain again. I asked her how she learned this and she told me me that it all came to her in a dream one night…

Now I don’t know if I just attract crazy people or what. But one thing became extremely clear to me in that moment.

If all of these people have as their mission in life to create an entire business and live around a dream… around a vain philosophy… around a set of life principles some person invented… and they are willing to share and teach others these things… how can I continue to keep quiet? How can I NOT share the truth as I know it to be from the word of God. What I believe is not based on a dream. It is not based on man-invented philosophies. It is not based on vain philosophies. It is the truth. From God’s Word.

So I am here to say today… I am done keeping quiet. I am done separating my business from my personal (religous) life. I am done sitting politely by as others are preaching things that are not only simply not true, but are replacements for true Biblical principles and are keeping people from actually knowing the truth.

So if you are offended… please just unsubscribe. If you have a willing spirit and want to ask questions.. I am ALL IN. If you want to fight or try to change my beliefs… it’s not going to work.

So tomorrow I am going to share not MY truth. But God’s truth. I am going to share how exactly you can have a happy and successful life according to God’s word.

If you are “successful” but still feel unsatisfied… if you still feel like there is a black hole in the center of your heart that you just can’t fill… if your marriage is struggling.. if your kids hate you… there are answers. There are solutions. God’s word has them.

So help me out here. What do you think? For all my Christian friends… do me a favor and leave a comment below. It will help encourage me and it will help spread this message to all of my unsaved friends.

Ultimate Blog Party 2010!

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Hi and Welcome to the 2010 Blog Party!

Thanks for stopping by! Did you come to join the party? Are you ready for it?

Who’s behind Stompermom!

My name is Nicole and I am “Stompermom”!  Why, “Stompermom”… get to that later!  First late me say that I am a Mom of 6, Pastor’s Wife, and Business Owner!

Live is never dull at our house!  I am a WAHM with 6 kids and baby 7 due this July! We live in Puebla, Mexico where we also work as missionaries.  My loving husband is the Pastor of our church.  We came here in 2001 and started the work from ZERO… well three if you count him, me, and our first child!  Living here has been an adventure!  Now we are running about 130 on Sunday Mornings.  You can check out our church at and!

Our kids are my first passion!  I used to homeschool them but when the twins were born we hired a private teacher.  Each day they go to the church where the private teacher teaches them using the Abeka video program!  We try to make life on the mission field as normal for them as if they were living in a town in the states.  They have piano lessons, tennis lessons, and go to the park to ride their bikes at least once a week!  After school you can usually find Japheth reading a book, Rachel drawing or playing school, Sarah playing house or cook, David pretending to be Luke Skywalker, Hannah playing Mommy, and Ashley climbing a table or chair!

Our second year here on the mission field, when I still had A LOT more time and a few less kids, I started a few ecommerce stores.  I wanted to earn a little extra cash to go to Starbucks or buy a new dress once in a while!  After learning about a program that later became, our site exploded and sales went through the roof!  What was supposed to be a part-time hobby morphed into a full-time business.  I soon began to hire people to help me run the business so I could balance my time between family, church, and the business.  About two years ago I also became a Moderator at Stompernet … hence the name.. StomperMom!  I found that my real passion was marketing and search engine optimization strategies and started a new site: to offer SEO Services.

As much as I enjoy marketing and my online business ventures, my priorities are Family, Church, and then Business!  I love to talk about parenting and how to raise excellent kids!  My goals for 2010 are to write a book on parenting and sell our ecommerce sites so we can build a second and third story of our church building!

Be sure to leave a comment and let me know you stopped by!

Say what you mean and mean what you say

Nuevo Laredo Trip
Nuevo Laredo Trip

Seriously trying to not complain here but dealing with the US embassy can sometimes be frustrating!  Expecting problems and trying to be as time efficient as possible I always try to send all the needed info as well as answer any questions I think will be asked ahead of time.  Of course that would have to assume that someone would actually read the emails and that the person reading the emails would just not just assume that the sender is not following directions!

In anticipation for the 7th Stompernet Live conference, we need to get the passport for our new baby Ashley.  We were able to get her certificate of birth abroad a few weeks ago in Nuevo Laredo on our car trip to the states.  We did not have time to process the passport however as they don’t send it in the mail but rather require you to come back to pick it up later.  Now back in Puebla, it is time to try to hurry to get the passport from the embassy in Mexico City.  (New laws state we can enter into the US with a brith certificate only if by car but need a passport to enter by plane.)  Unlike all of the consulates, to make an appointment, you must first fill out the application online and then EMAIL it to the embassy.  After a real live person reviews it and approves you, only then are you allowed access to the online appointment setting system.  Therein lies the problem.

Email 1

We have the certificate of birth abroad.  It was given to us in Nuevo Laredo a few weeks ago.  Here is the attached application.

Response 1

You need to get a certificate of birth abroad.  Go fill out the application and then send another email.

Email 2

We already have the certificate of birth abroad.

Response 2

Go fill out the application and then attach it to this email.

Email 3

Here is the attached file. (Strongly resisted the urge to say something sarcastic like…. AGAIN!)

Response 3

Access to online appointment setting system.

The whole process was faster than expected and happily we were able to schedule in just three days.  Could have been taken care of in ONE email if the person had actually read the first email though![/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

Healthcare in Mexico

One of the main reasons people give about not wanting to move to a foreign country is “What if I get sick?” Most Americans will definitely want to keep their US health insurance plan for major medical emergencies of course. However, when you are living in a large city in Mexico, it hardly becomes necessary. It about one month our 6th child will be born here in Puebla, Mexico.  Of our children, only the oldest was born in the states.  When we were expecting our second child, we came to realize that the doctor was the most important factor for healthcare in Mexico. The hospital facilities are not as backwards as some would automatically think. We are blessed to live in a major city with good hospitals.  In fact, our city is home of the Puebla’s Children Hospital.  Puebla’s Children’s Hospital is THE major hospital for public healthcare for most of southern Mexico.  If people are sick from as far as Chiapas, they might be flown in to the hospital here.  But back to my story.  As we are getting ready for baby #6 we went to the hospital – La Beneficencia Espanola – to register.  Since we don’t have insurance, we pay privately.  We went to fill out the paperwork so that when the day arrives we would be all ready.  I know this will be hard to believe, but the rates for the hospital part of the bill are incredibly low!  The package includes 2 nights and 3 days in the hospital and is only about $350 USD! Now from experience we will tell you that by the time we get out the bill is going to be closer to $900 but that is going to include all of the medicine, treatment, and so on. That does NOT include what we pay our doctor or her medical team.  When we were in the states a few months ago, we had to take little Hannah to the emergency room for stitches.  She had 4 stitches on her eyebrow.  FOUR.  The bill came to $1000 more or less including the hospital and the doctor… which we found out later are two separate charges! So basically, the cost of 4 stitches in the states and the cost of having a baby in a nice hospital in Mexico are about the same!  I could go on and talk about how ultrasounds here cost $25 and the ultrasound I had done in the states a few months ago was $250 but I won’t.

May 11th – Visiting Ridgecrest, California and Barnes and Noble

May 11th

David and Hannah saying HI from Ridgecrest, California.

May 11th

We visited a church called China Lake Baptist Church while in Ridgecrest.  They are located in this small storefront area.

May 11th

David and Hannah enjoy a quick trip to the grocery store.  Don’t have this in Puebla, Mexico!

May 11th

May 11th

Sarah and Japheth can’t wait to get to the car to read the books they just bought in Barnes and Nobles.  We visited about 10 Barnes and Nobles bookstores on our trip.  The kids loved picking out new books and mom and dad loved the quiet in the car while they were reading!