7 Tools for Your Pinterest Toolbox

If you’re not marketing on Pinterest you probably should be. Recent studies have found that Pinterest users purchase more items online than users of any other social networking site. So for the sake of establishing an all-encompassing Internet marketing campaign, here are some tools you can use to get the most out of Pinterest.


Testimonial board

Pinterest has made it possible for you to create a board that your followers pin to. This opens up interactive potential beyond likes, comments and re-pinning. Why not turn your user board into a testimonial board. Encourage your followers to pin pictures of themselves using your product or showing how they spent the money your financial advice earned them.



Infographics are basically a way to present a body of information in an illustrated format. Because image is king on Pinterest, infographics give you a way to present a message visually. It could be the benefits of using your services, the latest research in your industry or a history of your company. For the infographic to be successful, it has to look artistic, so contact your favorite graphic designer instead of trying something on your own.


Event promotion

Event marketing looks different depending on the type of event you host. Create a Pinterest board to promote a seminar, your presence at a trade show or a charity dinner. Some ideas of images you could pin include:

  • an event logo
  • photos of your team planning the event
  • an infographic of the top 10 reasons to attend
  • images of the food that will be served
  • images of the city or venue where the event will take place
  • an invitation
  • headshots of noted guests or speakers who will attend or present


Product launch

Combine the previous tool with this one to build excitement for a new product your company will be releasing. Once it’s released, pin images of the product from a variety of angles, pictures of real people using the product or the various stylistic options available with the product. Put a price on the pin or create an “I saw it on Pinterest” coupon to continue building on the excitement momentum.


The human side of business

Use Pinterest as a way for clients and potential clients to get to know the people that make up your company. Pin any of the following items and let followers get to know your company on a more personal level.

  • photos of office antics
  • silly headshots
  • a video of the production process
  • an interview with a specialist that works for the company
  • pictures of company functions or team building events


Keywords and hash tags

Each pin on Pinterest has a link pointing back to the original. When you pin (or re-pin), use the space provided for a caption to include fitting keywords and hash tags. This helps people find you when they search Pinterest and connects to Twitter searches as well.


Follow the interests of your target market

Using the Pinterest search tool, find members who fit the profile of your target market to follow. Seeing what they pin on their boards will give you an idea of what’s important to them and will help you to connect with them using their interests.


The possibilities for Pinterest are as endless as your creativity, but these tools will get you started.




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